As every city Sheki has avenues and streets...In addition to this there is a concept of a road or street that is called "doqqaz". Doqqaz is something that starts (has the beginning) at one of the main roads and then goes inside with many houses at sides of it. Doqqaz might end at some dead end or have a passage to some other main road. This is a photo of one of those doqqaz's.
Sheki people do not believe in addresses :) but say to a taxi driver: "take me to hamam doqqaz in gyshlag" or for example "take me to doqqaz where Long Hasan used to live". Therefore if you come to Sheki and ask the cab driver to take you to House # 5 at Some street, the driver could look at you with such an expression on his face as if he sees an alien before him....:)
Well if you decide to visit, local people will always tell you the peculiarities of the place you wish to see or go to ... and you will be at ease with taxis and might find out something interesting that only local people know...
Have a good day!