Sunday, March 08, 2009

Happy 8th of March!!! Post devoted to silent heroes (no actually heroines)...

Today is 8th of March, not just another calendar year, but also the day celebrated by some countries as Women's Day.

My post today is not devoted to emancipated, somewhat feminist women but to self-sacrificing, low profile, hard working women that mainly devote themselves to men and upbringing of their children then grand children and other family members...Above photo was taken sometime in 1940es in Sheki...all those women were/are mainly mothers, sisters and wives and after women if I may say so. They were/are mainly engaged in house chores and family duties and many of them did not even think (or maybe they did but never showed) that they should complain etc.
I remember my grandmother (also pictured above) who was ready to take care of us members of her family, days and days and do everything to please us, prepare something tasty and create comfort. When we went to Sheki in winter and weather was cold she was the one to prepare warm water and breakfast so that we wake up to beautiful smells and warm kitchen. Although she was the oldest she seemed to be the most energetic and proactive...I am thinking now that her energy must have been coming from her love and kindness to her family.
Another thought that comes to me is that those women were shy to come to the city as their heads were mainly covered and they did not think that they were as beautifully dressed or as "good" as urban women. It happens nowadays too and I always want to protect them and convince that it does not matter what they are dressed in, their inner beauty, kindness and giving nature means much more than polished nails or ostentatious looks...
They say woman stands for wisdom. The woman that you see in the centre of above picture (my great-grandmother) and many other women alike her were the core of the families and they "radiated" wisdom, kindness and love and wisely directed their families including men in a subtle or if necessary powerful way.
Slogan :) of my today's post is "let there always be women and let there always be wisdom" :)


  1. Very good photo to celebrate Women's Day. Your narrative is wonderful and touching and a good reminder for all of us to celebrate those women in our lives who have provided stability and support for the family. Well done!

  2. The women are so beautiful. How adorable is the one at the top right corner who can't hold back that radiant smile! Old photos are treasures.

  3. Such an interesting post, Ayten. I love pictures like this. There is so much history in them. You are a fantastic narrator!

  4. Wonderful post Ayten.
