Thursday, August 19, 2010

Summer heat...

Summer is not only about holidays but also one of the most active and anxious periods of the year for many families in Azerbaijan. This is when entrance exams to universities take place. If you visit the families that have boys or girls taking this exam very often you might get the feeling that as if it is the whole family that would be taking the exam. Everybody is very nervous and worried. To me this anxiousness of course passes to poor those who need to take the actual exam although everyone is also advising them to be calm and concentrated…All conversations are about the tasks, subjects, tutors and universities. Anticipation and excitement are reaching its peak on the day of the exam and when the results are announced.

What was good about Soviet times was that studying at school was a must. School program was quite thorough and no matter how far in the village anyone lived everyone was attending the classes. As a result everyone was literate. What was bad about Soviet times was that it left behind a tradition of corruption in the process of enrollment to universities. In early 90s Azerbaijan switched to test system what gave equal opportunities to everyone. I know people that had to choose universities according to their financial position and those who were trying persistently their luck knocking on the doors of the universities that had “barricade” with slogan “show me the money…” Children of these people are now able to choose the universities where they think their heart and abilities belong to. All they have to do is to study hard to pass harsh competition since studying and getting higher education continues to be popular around the country. As far as I heard this year two out of seven entrants who got the highest score of 700 are originally from Sheki!! Well done to everyone!!!

Congratulations to everyone who got what they wanted and good luck to everyone!!!

My other post about my distinct teachers can be found here.

I don’t have a relevant photo to this post...

I took below photo in Kish village of Sheki. We asked the girls a question and got a witty answer which I am afraid is untranslatable to English since it involves a phrase in dialect (which is very distinct in Sheki). The answer made us laugh (very natural for Sheki which is famous for its jokes and obviously this character runs in the veins of everyone there:). I asked the girls if I may take their photo. One decided to leave the other decided to pose. The other two didn’t care. Talking about freedom to make own choices and decisions…

P.S. For those who speak Azeri I am mentioning our dialogue with girls. “A qızlar, Kişə nətəri gedək?...”......“Habıra Kişdir, daaa!!”...bu sözlər əla intonasiya və əlləri ilə ayaqlarının altında olan torpağı göstərməklə müşayət olundu :)

1 comment:

Ayten Qiyas-Rustamova Айтен Гияс-Рустамова Aytən Qiyas-Rüstəmova said...

Salut, Bogdan! :)) Thank you for visiting my blog! Best wishes from Azerbaijan! :)