I am still not done with writing about Khinalig...Actually it would be much better if archeologists and scientists studied and wrote about Khinalig...
For some reason when e.g. I visit some European capital and take photos it feels absolutely natural...but when I am somewhere where I think that living conditions are not that developed as where we come from then I don't really feel comfortable making photos...I worry that what if I would annoy, disappoint or offend local people...whether I worried or not of course plenty of photos were taken and then I started talking to local people around...and one woman asked "so did you like Khinalig?"...and I replied: "yes, I liked it very much"...and this is what she told me: "of course you did, Khinalig is a paradise on earth..." and I was worried to take pictures :)...That woman talked to me in Azeri, in Azeri with accent. Among themselves they speak in their own language and one of confident assumptions is that people of Khinalig speak in ancient Aramaic language. I must also say that in regions one meets more people who are looking openly and talking to you from their heart...these sincere conversations among complete strangers mean a world to me...maybe its easier to keep inner beauty when you are so "exposed" to nature...
In Khinalig roof of a neighbour is terrace of the neighbour living higher...not sure if I am able to describe this probably thus would rely on pictures...also roofs used to be/are from natural materials when heating the houses of course is a challenge...specially somewhere so high up...with more income more and more roofs are redone...living standards are improving and characteristic feature is becoming a history...mixed feelings, mixed feelings...
We spent very little time in Khinalig...I came back amused and with lots of questions...sharing with you some photos...click on the pictures to make them bigger...
young woman having a rest on her terrace...roof at the same time...old roofs...new roofs...Khinalig is too grand for my camera...or any camera should I say...
Khinalig must be covered with snow at the moment...I am sharing with you photo taken by Ilkin Yagubov who visited Khinalig in January...

my previous post on Khinalig can be read here...