In some countries people long for sunshine…some cities long for sunshine…
I have mentioned zillion of times on my blog that since we have nine climate zones out of eleven winters are different in different cities of the country…
Sheki is in mountains so its winters are real winters, with snow and cold…but snow without wind…snow that makes you feel magical…
In Baku we could have a day or two of snow during winter…snow would usually be with rain and wind so it would be quite difficult for kids to enjoy it to the fullest. Not sure if that’s the global “warming” but this winter Baku is having more snow than usually…Its again not a quiet and calm snow but quite windy…Baku definitely holds on to its name of being “city of winds”…
Last week was a difficult one…My father lost one of his closest childhood friends if not the closest one and pain of loss was not only his. Sad for his friend, Yaqub əmi (uncle), as we called him, for his family, sad for my father who is in his sixties…it is almost unbearable to see how deep his sadness and grief is…Lots of childhood memories came to me…One can grow older, become a parent, have children but there could be always people for whom one continues to be a child…and while they are next to us our childhood kind of still continues, it is still with us…and with those people we can almost behave like a child and cherish that link that is so personal and unique...I felt like my childhood almost ended last week…definitely some lovely parts of it were gone forever…
I couldn’t travel to Sheki for funeral; my heart was definitely there...and then we had snow in Baku at night…it was magical in the morning and kids were so impatient to go out to snow…my little one was analyzing snow on his fingers…couldn’t quite realize what was all about…older one was enjoying it to the fullest…I felt so warm…couldn’t feel the cold until my son and I decided to feel the snow on our faces…it was fun…I felt like my childhood was still next to me but with some other lovely stage…
...sharing with you some photos...
you would always find hot tea in Azerbaijan to warm up your body and soul...end January by Asim Baku...

Loved the pictures and the snow.Wind spoils the fun in Baku,but the regions are so beautiful in snow.Hope to see your future posts and good luck!
Thank you very much, Kamala )
We have had very little snow this year where I live in Canada and I'm definitely missing it. So I especially appreciate your pictures. Quite lovely.
Thank you, Bill. Best wishes from Baku!
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