Sunday, September 14, 2014

Summer memories of Sheki...

I must admit beauty of regions is mainly explored during summer in Azerbaijan.

Unfortunately we all get caught in routines and feel too heavy to explore the nature when weather is less welcoming and our cloths are heavier.

I still hope to enjoy beautiful nature of autumn this year...

For now I want to post some photos of Sheki that I took this summer.

Not sure if you experience that feeling but sometimes no matter how many photos one takes there still remains that feeling that beauty was not conveyed. For instance no matter how many photos of balconies I take in Venice each time we are there when I see them again I want to take more and more photos...The same feelings I experience looking at mountains of Sheki or at some streets of the city itself. My brain tells me that I have taken these photos and even posted them and my heart whispers that maybe this new photo will convey better or more...
Here are some photos then...
View from beautiful village Kish...You can read more about Kish on this blog here...
View from beautiful Khan Palace. You can read more about Sheki Khan Palace on this blog here...
 Another photo of rooftops of Sheki...
 Gorgeous mountains of Sheki...I took one photo...and...
...then I took another one...
View from window of museum in Sheki...

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