Sunday, June 03, 2007


Hi. Today I am posting a photo of a usual door to the yard of one of the houses in Sheki. The flowers above the door and the whole scenery seemed very soothing for me and I decided to share it with you. You might recognize river stone walls/fences that I mentioned earlier in my posts.

If you open the door and decide to visit the family that lives behind it you will be treated at least to tea and the family will try keeping you for lunch/dinner as well. During lunch or dinner hostess will keep sighing deeply and saying that you are not eating enough...if you decide staying overnight then the best bed would be made for you...and the original owner of the bed would sleep on the mattress in some other room...these are the rules of hospitality...zealously protected by never tired older generations and questioned by ever tired younger generations...:)

Hope you are having a wonderful week end...




Bergson said...

I like the photograph of door
but I like to see what there is behind
which hospitality in your country!!

Saifullah Solenkhi said...

Greeting from Bangladesh

Wow, i just read that and remembered my childhood where we could just open doors to any house and feel at home, of course there were exceptions and we didn't count they existed ;). Thanks for bringing back good memories.

Anonymous said...

It is a good photo. I also enoyed reading your narrative.

Ayten Qiyas-Rustamova Айтен Гияс-Рустамова Aytən Qiyas-Rüstəmova said...

Dear everyone, thank you very much!!


Anonymous said...

Here is the link to the July theme day for you.

Go to
to sign up for July Theme Day. It is something "red."

Abraham Lincoln

Anonymous said...

Something mysterious about a closed door.