Friday, September 07, 2007

Long day...

I was passing by the shoes of my son and noticed that someone (must be my sisters) put his shoes and socks neatly so that we find them easily when he wakes up. I liked the way they were put and decided to take their photo and share with you…I realize that the photo has nothing to do directly with Sheki…but actually the baby is in Sheki so it is kind of applicable…:)


julia said...

cute sandals; no stopping your son now he is walking!. I also like rainy days. I didn't learn much more about the temple except it is beautiful.

Saifullah Solenkhi said...

cute :)

Saifullah Solenkhi said...

:$ was signing in between and it got posted
Well i would like to add to what you said about the baby being in Sheki is more to that it show the personality of the people of Sheki as i do know personally and also you yourself have mentioned in your previous blogs

Fabrizio Zanelli said...

You son's steps are a walk into future. Great idea to show us his shoes.

I loved your photos so much.