Last three years or so Novruz is celebrated during quite a long time in Azerbaijan…around a week. Working mothers like I have a chance to spend more time with their little ones (what sometimes might seem more tiring than working:), to make amazing, funny and sweet discoveries…There is a saying in Azerbaijan “Uşaq olan evdə qeybət olmaz” what means “there is no gossip in homes where there are children”…it implies that children keep everyone so busy that women do not find time for gossiping (hopefully :)
Childhood is definitely spring of ones life time. Like the time you realize, notice and appreciate it, childhood is gone…the same thought comes to me when I observe the child, time flies and babies change so quickly…everyday they do something new and here the next day yesterday's something new is gone...spring in Baku is also very short...every day a new flower, another green tree and one wonders - when did all this happen...where was I looking...and then one day it is already summer...
In Russian they say “погода шепчет…” meaning weather is whispering me…I can not convey how beautiful the weather was for a couple of days this week in Baku, nature was definitely whispering beautiful songs of blue sky, warming sun, gentle breeze, bird songs and children laughter…song of awakening nature...spring…it was whispering “take a moment, notice me…”
Below I am posting photos that I believe will better explain what I mean above...these photos are taken by people who do notice spring :) These are my niece, Fatma Giyasova, who not only enjoyed but also took photos precisely for my blog while in Sheki during Novruz (let me thank you in public, Fatma) and Fakhriyya Mammadova whose eyes catch miracles easily and thankfully she shares her photos with us...
Shortly these buds will open up, tree will blossom, bear fruits...this will happen very you know what I mean?...courtesy of Fakhriyya...
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