Thursday, November 06, 2008

I believe I can fly :)

My today’s post is devoted to all people that know what they want and do not let doubts, circumstances and/or people to interfere into their dreams, are able to turn cons to pros and who follow their dreams and achieve what they want. This was also the reason why I have translated “The Alchemist” into Azeri as I wanted every girl and boy to read the book and believe that their dreams may and will come true if they continue to believe and work and strive and stay positive! I had to stay home yesterday and had news on most of the time and saw people celebrating victory of Obama in USA, saw his grandmother in Kenya, saw faces of happy people. Politics is a “strange animal” as they say but I think Obama’s victory could be or is a sort of inspiration to many people.

I wish to all of us to be an inspiration to each other and/or have many people around us who would inspire us.

Peace and love to all of you from Azerbaijan :)

P.S. Picture taken on our way to Lahic, Ismailli, very narrow mountain road, river running down in the valley...

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