Always got amazed how flag is cherished in Turkey and the U.S. Maybe in other countries too of course...
Azeri flag was raised for the first time in 1918 when Democratic Republic of Azerbaijan was announced. Republic lasted for two years only. Since 1920 and until 80s the idea that Azerbaijan can't survive independently was slowly and surely sown into the minds and mentality of the nation...notions like pride and love for land, country, anthem, flag, language, each other were not only unpopular but almost forbidden...will never forget how I travelled to Turkey and saw flags on so many balconies and proud slogans everywhere in the city...I thought to myself «Wow, they are not shy to be patriotic and praise their country so proudly and openly»...travelled to the U.S. and saw how every child no matter where he/she comes from sings the anthem of their new country...pride for the country is taught from childhood...Fortunately nowadays more and more Azeris realize how lucky they are or we are to be from the country which is so rich in many ways be it natural resources, be it culture...and that we are the human resource of this country and the question is not «what Azerbaijan did for me?» but more «what I did for Azerbaijan?»...
Long live Azerbaijan! Long live its three color flag!

It's a beautiful flag with a wonderful sunset background! I was born on America's "flag day" which is June 14!
Dear Leif, good to hear from you!! Thank you very much for your comment!! Didn't know you have a "flag day"! Now, know, thank you :)
wonderful picture!! wonderful post!!:) i have a flag here in my room:)without sunset :( :D
Thank you, dear! Opdum :)) xxx
Thank You, dear Ayten, for a very informative and nice article about Flag Day and Your country`s flag - I like Your flag, it has very beautiful colours; so I hope You had a pleasant Flag Day! And, yes, long live You, Your family and friends, and Your country, of course!!! :))))))
And I was born in Azeri "Flag Day" :) It is very interesting to have holiday in your own birthday! :) Ayten
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