Now...its not only season of pomegranate but also saffron in Azerbaijan these days...This is one of the most popular subjects in our household too since my father has a big passion for saffron and as you know passions of parents create at minimum interest in their children too. Thanks to him who is never tired of spreading the knowledge accompanied with bulbs of saffron of course almost all our relatives and not only grow saffron in their gardens. He grows saffron in Baku and Sheki for pleasure and health and each season we all get fascinated with this the most gentle in looks and the most powerful in essence gift of nature.
Enough of words...let me share with you some photos. First I want to show you the photo that I took in my uncle’s garden in Sheki...this photo was taken sometime in September when there were no saffron flowers yet but even getting ready for its flowers it already looked beautiful...(see green at the background...)
everything is perfect about saffron...
Thank You very much for such a wonderful post about the saffron season with so many excellent pics for illustrations! While reading these posts I`d like to catch the next flight to Your wonderful country immediately to visit it in real...all of these posts are a most intriguing gate to Your country!!! :)))
Now, here some very few little links concerning saffron:, SAFFRON Walden is a town in the UK: "In the medieval period the primary trade in Saffron Walden was in wool. However, in the 16th century and 17th century the saffron crocus (crocus sativus) became widely grown in the area. The flower was precious, as extract from the stigmas, the saffron, was used in medicines, as a condiment, as a perfume, as an aphrodisiac, and as an expensive yellow dye. This industry gave its name to the town and Chipping Walden became Saffron Walden."
Saffron Walden coat of arms content three saffrons: (rather unusual...) ...
I think the Sikh religion flag is of saffron colour: - I think you know this page, of course,
and last but not least, dear Ayten, You and as I think nearly all of Your friends know delicious recipes with saffron...:)))))
Wow Matthias, YOU are a real inspiration!! Thank you very much for all the kinds words, information and everything!! :)) Best wishes from Baku!!
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