Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Winter in Sheki...
Friday, November 25, 2011
Talking about the weather...
Its late November and Baku witnessed snow already twice...this is very unusual for Baku since usually we would have a day or two of snow sometime in February and that would be it...not quite sure what snowing in November would bring for the rest of winter and so on but it inspired me to write about it today...The thing is that just when I was going to mention again that we like boasting here that modest in size country accommodates nine climate zones out of eleven I realised that I mentioned about it in my different earlier posts here here here and here :))) I guess thats already quite few :) the reason why I thought about this again is that not only in the country but even in our capital yesterday we had almost no snow in one part, mild snow in another and real snowfall in its higher parts...this must be quite normal but again made me think that its kind of interesting... I am sharing with you the photo that I took in the morning when walking to the office in Baku as well as the photo that was taken also today but in Qabala, city in the north part of the country. There is something amazing about walking in the snow...Wishing you an amazing weekend...)

Saturday, October 08, 2011
Exploring more of Azerbaijan...Nakhchivan...
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Exploring more of Azerbaijan...somewhere between Sheki and Qakh...
This summer I realized that the word “explore” comes into my mind quite often. I was mostly linking that word to traveling but it applies to everything. I was thinking that although I live on Absheron I have explored quite little of it…that although every summer I travel to Sheki I have explored little if any of its villages. Then I started thinking about this in Azeri because “explore” was coming to my mind only in English if you know what I mean. I started to think of the best word in Azeri that would convey what I mean by it in this context…I thought of “kəşf etmək, araşdırmaq, tədqiq etmək”....tried to explain to myself why I am thinking about this in English...
At some point in life exploring might seem/become quite a luxury…exploring would have to be joint if you have children since you know that they love spending their time with you regardless what you do (especially if you are exploring…). This year we tried to do a little bit of exploring. We didn’t locate everything we wanted; it wasn’t as comfortable as it could be since our little one is too young (less than two years old) but it gave a lot of food for eyes and thought about how much is out there to explore…and not only geographically...
sharing with you some photos with more to come...

Tuesday, September 20, 2011
20 September - Oil Workers Day in Azerbaijan...
Behind all aspects of oil exploration and in general everything in life there is a human factor. People - that find, explore and exploit oil and gas fields to name only few expertises.
Today my post is devoted to Oil Workers Day in Azerbaijan. This day is even closer to me because my father, Nadir Qiyasov, is a devoted oilman and I can say a unique geophysicist indeed.
Azerbaijan can boast not only with its oil and gas reserves but what is more important with its professional, highly-skilled, determined, very often self-sacrificing engineers, geologists, geophysicist, drillers and workers without whose joint effort it wouldn't be possible to put together any project of oil and gas exploration. I wish to all our oil workers good health, good, no, excellent working conditions and all the very best!

Saturday, September 10, 2011
End of Ramadan...
Be well...

Friday, August 26, 2011
Axır Cumay...Axır Cümə...or Last Friday of Ramadan...
Saturday, August 06, 2011
Summer motives…

Saturday, July 09, 2011
Generous summer...
Let’s talk about food today...
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Azerbaijan and Italy...
There must be people that enjoy cool or even cold weather and there are the ones that love heat or maybe better warmth of generous Sun...
We in Azerbaijan enjoy sun during most months of the year…cold weather is something that I can’t really enjoy, warmth - this is what I am looking forward to during mild winter in Azerbaijan…
Earlier this month we had a trip to Italy. Azerbaijan is for the third time participating in Venice Biennale and we of course traveled to support the artists and organizers and enjoy Biennale overall.
Each trip brings different thoughts and this time I was thinking that Italy and Azerbaijan have many things in common. Both are passionate about music, art, beauty, good food, easily loose temper, enjoy noisy family affairs, can leave messages on reception like “will be back soon….”, have the notion like as it says in “Eat, Pray, Love” “the pleasure or enjoyment of not doing anything”…that means relaxing a bit longer and more often than people of north if I may say…without feeling self-conscious…All these characters and southern temperament can have many positive and not only results…That is the effect of Sun ))…genetically Sun warmed up blood of southern people and people are born with warm hearts and high temper…talking louder and approaching closer...eating more and driving crazier…that is nature and it usually takes over…modern people are adapting their temper and nature and people in the regions like in mountainous Sheki are shy and much quieter anyway…
Italy has had rich history and invites everyone to Venice to enjoy biennale of modern art. It is hard to say if people enjoy modern art or grandness of the past more. History will say its word about modern art but beauty, uniqueness and value of historic places and art are indisputable…
This year Italy celebrated 150th anniversary of the country’s unification. Azerbaijan feels for it since by XVIII century Azerbaijan itself consisted of a few independent Khanliqs (principalities). In 1828 per so called Turkmenchay Peace Treaty Azerbaijan was divided between Russian Empire and Persia. It was possible to establish Democratic Republic in 1918 only and just for two years. Azerbaijan regained its independence back in 1991.
Thus history, culture and temper of Italy and Azerbaijan somehow echoed for me during this trip and I decided to write this post and share it with you.
On this note I want to wish everyone happy and sunny summer and post two photos one taken inside Sheki Khan Sarayi in Sheki and one in Duomo in Milan. Similar things bring admiration, enjoyment and happiness to people no matter location, race or religion…as long as there is peace and financial ability to think about something more than food and shelter…
Inside Duomo, Milan...
Saturday, May 28, 2011
28 May - Republic Day in Azerbaijan
Just like any child who wants to get independent and do everything as he considers appropriate starting well once he/she is one year old or maybe earlier, historically every nation struggled for its independence. Just like in communities one can sometimes witness that one bullies the other and doesn't really strive for the best of all but mainly dear self, in empires as well smaller nations suffer and as a result of constant and continuous undermining live through risks of losing its self-esteem, pride and belief in its future. Thus when in 1920, 2 year old Republic of Azerbaijan was invaded by Soviet Army (I am mentioning only modern history) and for more than 70 years had a brainwashing that it is not good enough or intelligent or capable enough (with thousands repressed and frightened) to represent itself, its history, culture and development, it would naturally take a while for young Republic to regain its confidence, appreciation and love towards its essence...
28 May is the Republic Day in Azerbaijan. This year we see many more young people carrying proudly the flag and celebrating the holiday. Our young Republic just like a growing child is getting more confident with more knowledge, new skills and every new achievement. Azerbaijan longed to represent itself, to talk about itself independently not just listening as an observer how someone else would do it on its behalf...
In 2012 Azerbaijan as the winner of Eurovision 2011 will host the contest in Baku. In Azerbaijan when someone visits the other's home the first thing he/she hears would be "Xoş gəlmisiniz" what is translated as "Welcome" - meaning - welcome to my home...This is said no matter how often one visits the other. Thus we say to Europe "Welcome to Azerbaijan" - land of fire, music, hospitality and joy, oriental wisdom, tolerance and kindness…(sorry but can't get modest today...only praise comes into my mind :))
With best wishes from well...

Saturday, May 14, 2011
9th of May - Victory Day in Azerbaijan...our Nurmammad baba...
Saturday, May 07, 2011
May is in the air...
May has come and nature is continuing to flourish…April has been quite rainy in Baku and Sheki but in May even rain smells spring. Last week I had a very short runaway to Sheki to participate at a family wedding. On my way there I took some photos that I want to share with you today.
Spring is usually short in Azerbaijan and gives in too quickly to warm and after hot summer. Many or I would say most of us are too engaged with everyday routine…At some point when we raise our eyes we notice that many trees have already welcomed spring and are awake and green…and we think to ourselves “when did that happen?...”…this is true for so many things in life…
Stop a minute…Enjoy spring…Enjoy May…
All three photos (except for last fourth one) were taken from car window...I say I was lucky to catch these ))
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Milli süfrə kvarteti...or...Quartet of Azeri traditional cuisine...
If/when you travel to Azerbaijan you would notice that when you stop in cafes and restaurants to have a meal, together with starters you would be also offered to have greens that would come next to cheese, cucumber and tomato plate. Greens would include basil, tarragon, mint, coriander and many more depending on season and preference. And then for those who have never been to Azerbaijan before would be amazing to see that people would just pick up greens from the table and eat it…that’s the tradition…now when the world is talking about what is good and healthy no one would question how healthy is to have greens accompanying your lunches and dinners…and our great-grandfathers knew it looooooooooooong ago...
Greens as almost anything else are availabe the whole year but in spring we all here know that they are super natural since its the would even hear people saying that greens are gone wild (göyərti yaman qızışıb)...
Now...when I was putting my younger son to bed I was thinking how to name my this post and this very title came to my mind...I was wrong to think that there are only four plates in the picture...later I saw that there are four plates and bread...this composition is as traditional as it can ever be...Thus although there are five objects but actually "table quartet" would be: cheese, greens, cucumber+tomato and bread...this tastes excellent, believe me )
We in Azerbaijan as I believe anywhere else love food, tasty food...knowledge of what goes well with what is inherited almost with blood). On this theme I wrote before about what goes great with watermelon here.
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Spring cleaning...