My dear readers,
Greetings from Baku, Azerbaijan…
After quite a lengthy pause I am happy to be back blogging. While I was away many important things took place. First of all we have all welcomed year 2010…New beginning, new hopes, new plans, new achievements, new joy. Let me use this opportunity and wish all of you Happy New Year!! May this year be healthy, peaceful and wealthy! :) …
Unfortunately life is not always about holidays and festive season. On 20th of January Azerbaijan remembered victims of Soviet Army massacre of 1990. My post of last year devoted to this date can be found here…
We have a saying in Azerbaijan “bir göz ağlayır, bir göz gülür” what translates as “one eye is crying, one eye is smiling” what means that good and bad are often side by side in life…While in sadness or grief happiness might knock on the door and vice-versa…
Between New Year holidays and 20th of January…on 16th of January…I became a mother for the second time. As you would imagine I am still very emotional about the “journey” that women make to become a mother. This joyful and happy occasion that is at the same time tiring and involves quite a bit of pain, I believe is one of the most if not the most amazing miracles of life… We were leaving the hospital on 20th of January, day of mourning in Azerbaijan. It was the day covered with sad memories, the day when people that had courage to say “no” to invasion and “yes” to independence as well as innocent victims were remembered...I was of course full of joy, happiness and gratitude that both the baby and I were going home in good health to begin new page in life of our family. There were also babies born on that day - babies that mean new life, future for Azerbaijan and not only. They are born no matter peace, wars or invasions and no matter what kind of wild apocalypses are predicted - and prove that life continues. We mothers hope and want to believe that they will grow to a better world and play their role in making the world safer, healthier, cleaner and kinder. Wishful thinking?? :)… would be unnatural to hear something else from the woman who gave birth...13 days ago :)…
Be well…and "see" you soon :)
This photo is a courtesy of my relative in Sheki, Vusala Mustafazadeh, who displays her photos on Just wanted you to see how beautiful Sheki is in well...:)...