Friday, September 05, 2008

Why Gagarin?...

This year I discovered new restaurant in Sheki…it used to be there for a long time but I never knew about it…it is called “Gagarin restaurant”…Why Gagarin? Because it is opened in the area that used to be the park named after Gagarin and the owner left the name as it is…

The main advantage of the restaurant is its perfect location…the view that opens up from the restaurant is astonishing…sitting there and sipping tea at sunset may turn into an unforgettable experience…I strongly advise…maybe this is also one of the reasons why the place is named after Gagarin…makes one think of unique view that Gagarin saw…

1 comment:

Janet Kincaid said...

What beautiful views. It looks so tranquil. I think eating here would be quite relaxing!